Session 1
Rolling Characters and Introductions
Join us to play the counterfactual history RPG Aces and Eights. According to their website Aces and Eights is “Through the gunsmoke and over the slumped corpse of a gambler, beyond the sprawl of grazing buffalo on the high plains, above the din of a saloon in full swing, and farther than the blue sky atop the open range lies the Shattered Frontier of the Aces & Eights game. A game about the daring adventures and everyday lives of people in the Old West, Aces & Eights lets you tell the tale of the West that could have been, in your own words, deeds and history...” On the first night we’ll roll characters and introduce the game to all who are playing. While you’re welcome to join us for this campaign be forewarned that unlike our table top games, RPGs are reliant on a consistent player group and we’ll need our group to commit to all nights of the campaign. If you can’t commit to the group you’re welcome to come watch us play (it’s still fun). If you want to commit and join us for play please email either Lawler or Smith to let them know you’re interested.