Please Consider Giving or Donating to our Archive and Project
Our small archive of vintage machines, games and ephemera is core to the mission of the center offering the university community and our students an opportunity to experience these important cultural objects as they were meant to be played and consumed. While the archive is growing (nearing 700 physical objects) we continue to actively seek donations and we’d be happy to accept any vintage games, software, consoles, video game cabinets or any other video game ephemera cluttering your garage or basements. Please contact us.
Our current collection is made possible by the generous support and donations from:
Erik Maier Noah Melde
Lucas Madrigal Karla Beltran
Molly Cameron Patricia Cleary
David Shafer Doris and Jerry Sundly
Claire Martin Kim Trimble
Erik Miller David Herrero
Mik Larsen Nicholas Kouracos
Roberto Perez Delgado Emily Barham
Samuel Chasin Jordyn Marzolf
Kevin Dinh Jared Richard
We’d also like to publicly thank our College of Liberal Arts interns whose invaluable work have made our digital archive possible. Thank you, Kurt Stange, David Herrero, and Benjamin Mendez.
Contact Us
Center for the History of Video Games, Technology and Critical Play
c/o California State University, Long Beach
1250 Bellflower Blvd.
History Department
Long Beach, CA 90840