Introduction Session
Come join Professors Lawler and Smith this semester to play table top games with historical narratives/themes. This semester we are going to run game sessions on Tuesdays at lunch time and in the evening on Thursdays (see attached schedule). The themes this year games include world history, Medieval/Middle ages history and Industrialization. Each session will begin with a fun and simple game that generally follows the monthly theme. After that, we will begin play of one or two (depending on turnout) of the listed games for each session. We had a lot of fun last semester playing and discussing the historical uses and meaning of each game. And don’t worry if you come late or can’t stay the whole time, you can always join in or play another game at the Center for the History of Video Games and Critical Play.
On the first night will play a round easy to learn and really fun history games like Nuked, Bang!, Salem 1692. Just bring yourself and a friend or two and we’ll teach you how to play!