DHSI Games Showcase


DHSI 2024 Games

The Last Librarian (A Bookmobile Adventure)
ASTP (Alcohol Education)
CentreCity Religicorps Institute™ (Obilate’s Adventure)
A Dream Story (It’s Clearly a Dream)
Stranger in a Strange World (A Dream?)
Chop Suey (WAKE UP)
Honk For Meeples (A Workplace Sim)
Pearl (Playing the Poem)
Whiskey War (Canada or Denmark?)

DHSI 2023 Games

Publish or Perish (Can You Survive the Academy)
Cat on a Window Sill (It’s What It Says)
Lanval (An Arthurian Adventure)
One Way Ticket to Midnight (A Space Adventure)
Working for Will (A Shakespearian Adventure)